Data Protection Is Not Enough
In the wake of the Snowden events, the European Union passed
the most advanced and thorough data protection legislation
humanity has ever come up with, the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
It will start to be enforced on May 25th of 2018 at which time
those organisations in non-compliance may face heavy fines.
And yet the threat to our liberties does not end there,
because there are several scenarios in which the GDPR isn't
of much help. Ironically, it does nothing about the problems
Edward Snowden informed us about.
Is the EU-GDPR providing sufficient protection against …
0.1. … individuals breaching the privacy of their peers by exposing social data such as contact data, address books, conversation data?
No, Article 2.2c specifically exempts them from being liable.
In theory, companies should reject such data, but will they?
What if they define such data as essential to their business
0.2. … companies luring individuals into breaching the privacy of their peers?
Apparently not. They are only obliged to tell individuals that
their address books will be harvested, leaving it to the
individuals to understand and care about the societal
implications. At best one could try
to enforce the principle of data parsimony ("data minimisation"),
but social services would still argue that social data is
essential to their business model.
Would corporations be allowed to harvest address books as to
send unsolicited invitation mails to potential clients?
Presumably yes, because the breach caused by peers is legal.
0.3. … government authorities exercising omniscient data collection and harvesting, thus posing a long-term threat to democracy?
According to Art. 2.2b, local governments are typically exempted
from the provisions of GDPR. Article 2.2d even specifies how all
law-enforcement and related authorities are exempted from GDPR
obligations as they fulfil a duty of protecting "public security".
Article 23 offers further ways to legislate national exemptions.
We can only hope that better regulation will be created to
specifically tackle law-enforcement, considering that the
ability to access, falsify or remove any digital evidence is
already creating a serious problem of accountability of the
executive branch in regards to both judicial and legislational
oversight. It would be a dangerous further imbalance if
law-enforcement was allowed to make mass accumulation of data.
There is a vague hope that the principle of moving data processing
and storage into the EU will make their abuse more difficult, but
we are talking about data whose value is well worth acting outside
the scope of legality. Any systems administrator who can walk out
the building with a memory stick can make themselves a
fortune in Bitcoin.
Paragraph 2.4 then
refers to existing old regulation for EU institutions. There is
no provision in regards to foreign government operations,
probably because there would be no way to enforce them, if the
Internet is not encrypted by design in advance, as we suggest
in our YBTI legislation proposal.
Because 'data protection by design' (article 25) is not as
effective as mandatory end-to-end encryption and a technical
provision by which social data never ends up on anybody's
servers it just stays in the hands of the people participating.
0.4. … companies secretly breaching GDPR law by passing data on to third parties and governments as, for example, required by US Patriot Act?
The main problem with digitalisation is how there hardly ever is
strong evidence, enough to evoke consequences and punishments.
Therefore there is little incentive not to prioritise US law over
EU law, or otherwise engage in criminal behaviour such as black
market wholesale of data collections. If individuals "watermark"
their data by, for example, giving out unique e-mail addresses
to each service, would that be accepted by any judge to prove
illegal data trading? How can someone prove not to have
exposed that e-mail address to anybody else? How can you prove
that the company sold your data if any service provider operating
your e-mail could have done so instead? How are citizen supposed
to defend their rights under a condition where all evidence is
volatile and falsifiable?
0.5. … companies collecting sufficient profiling data suitable for placement of political advertising in such a strategic way as to influence the subject's democratic vote?
The business of winning elections is too big and
too interesting to not simply migrate to the black data market.
The data is there companies are merely required not to do
stupid things with it unlike with the YBTI legislation proposal,
GDPR expects no technical provision to make mass abuse impossible.(1)
Some may argue, that the GDPR has plenty of provisions to make
the sort of data collection that threatens democracy illegal,
but does it indeed keep a company like Facebook from knowing
people's psychological weaknesses and place advertisement
accordingly? In the face of the importance of elections, how
much does it matter what is legal? How would any data
protection officer be able to prove any wrongdoing?
We believe the only long-term protection is to never let this
kind of data be collected anywhere, if we want to recover democracy.
0.6. … companies or governments being able to make mass surveillance, mass real-time prediction of future voting outcomes, empowering political actors to optimise their election results?
In the case of governments engaging in post-democratic or otherwise
totalitarian practices, the GDPR has zero provisions to offer as
stated in Articles 2.2b, d and 23.
In regard to commercial actors, the lure of the data residing on
their cloud storage is great and chances getting caught are small.
Yes, GDPR makes many abuses such as using the data in a different
way that originally intended (5.1b), illegal. Therefore there
may not be a reasonable business case for such kind of GDPR
breach, but all of the world's governments will be interested in
exercising pressure on such corporations to give them invisible
access to data storage following the PRISM model. Also, many
governments can directly access cloud storage without ever
needing to interact with the companies so the ideal constellation
for them is if both surveillance partners aren't legally infringing
the GDPR, just bypassing it spectacularly.
As long as a company is allowed to collect people's "likes", that
is probably enough to empower an observing nation state to
influence its voters. We haven't seen a research study in that
regard yet, but the things a person likes or dislikes may provide
enough psychological knowledge to detect their biases and
vulnerabilities. We shouldn't wait until we find out harder.
0.7. … companies using Google Docs, Apple OS or Microsoft Windows to do their back-office accounting (employee data etc)?
Given the track record of Microsoft, Google etc
in regards to PRISM and the EU Supreme Court ruling against the 'Safe Harbor'
provisions, one should expect that such behaviour become obsolete
and all companies need to upgrade to Linux systems for accounting.
Our guess however is that companies will most likely infringe GDPR
requirements in that regard, since it is hard to prove PRISM ever
really happened, or, even better, governments will access their
data silently behind their backs.
Reckless companies may continue to do personal data
processing on PRISM operating systems and platforms as before.
Not because they believe it isn't happening, but because it's
unlikely there will ever be strong evidence and therefore a
consequential punishment. Even data protection officers are
so confused by the general sorry state of technology, that
they may not perceive these operating systems as breaching
the law although they of course do.
For all of the above reasons, GDPR is not enough. For a
long-term solution that doesn't put democracy at risk, read
up on the YBTI legislation proposal
making mass surveillance impossible by design.
See also what Richard Stallman has to say
on the subject.
First Version: 2018-02-14. Last Change: 2018-09-05