You are in the preview group for the current draft
of a 21st Century Act for Secrecy of (digital)
Correspondence and Freedom of (digital) Association.
Its purpose is to demonstrate that such a legislation
is possible if only the political will existed.
The technical feasibility has been proven, although
a finished product is yet to be seen. But that is one
of the reasons for such a regulation proposal, to create
the incentive to create a Next Generation Internet out
of the existing building blocks.
We must expect some industry lobbies to disagree,
at least as long as it takes for them to realize that
the outcome of this regulation would actually be to
the advantage of the large majority of industry as it
tackles the current conditions of monopolization.
A legislation proposal is a working document of a parliament.
It frequently starts from a rough idea and by political exchange
and refinement by law professionals
ripens into something that can be put into actual law.
This document represents some in-between state.
It is meant as a contribution to the public discourse,
that it is not enough to sit and stare and wait for
some public excuses.
Please give feedback
via youbroketheinternet's communication channels.